In order to enhance collaboration with humanitarian organizations under Proactive Disaster Management, NDMA has launched a series of joint initiatives aimed at strengthening Pakistan’s National Disaster Response Readiness 2024, at NDMA Headquarters. The session was attended by representatives and heads from various United Nations Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) in Pakistan. These organizations are actively working across multiple sectors within the diverse regions of Pakistan, striving towards a common goal of humanitarian aid and disaster mitigation with Government departments.

During this session, NDMA's NEOC shared a comprehensive outlook on potential hazards and emergencies expected in next 6 months. This crucial information serves as a foundation for these organizations to strategize and outline their response plans effectively, ensuring readiness and swift action in the face of adversity.

NDMA’s efforts to synchronize disaster response mechanisms with humanitarian organizations underscore the importance of cooperation and preparedness in mitigating the impact of disasters. This collaboration paves the way for a more robust and efficient response system, ultimately benefiting the communities most vulnerable to disasters.