Building on the visit of a delegation from Central South University, Changsha to NDMA HQ, Islamabad  on September 25, 2024, a Trilateral Research & Development (R&D) Letter of Agreement (LoA) was officially signed on February 25, 2025 through the National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM). This agreement fosters national & international academic collaboration to develop a cutting-edge Satellite Emergency Response System for enhancing the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) at NDMA, Pakistan.
Project Collaboration – ‘Disaster Response System for Belt and Road (DRS4BR)’ The Central South University and University of the Punjab will jointly develop a Satellite Emergency-Response System for major natural hazards along the One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative.
NIDM representative emphasized the importance of technological exchanges, expert training, and knowledge-sharing in disaster management applications. Learning from China’s best practices will enhance Pakistan’s disaster resilience and help predict & mitigate vulnerabilities effectively.