Maj. General Krishna Dev Bhatta led the delegation. Chairman NDMA Lieutenant General Inam Haider Malik HM(I) and team NDMA apprised the visiting delegation about innovative proactive disaster management systems in Pakistan shaped by NEOC in the last two years.
A comprehensive exposure of Pakistan’s indigenous state-of-the-art disasters early warning hub - the NEOC was showcased during the brief. It showcased the capability had all capacities to share with all neighborhoods and co-opting nations for collective national & regional response to the Climate Change.
Furthermore, avenues for potential collaboration were also discussed during the visit.
Pak NDMA offered a range of collaborative measures that can be initiated bilaterally and multi-laterally to achieve synergy and interoperability with participant nations. Maj. General Krishna Dev Bhatta, accompanied by other officers, expressed explicit appreciation for Pakistan's proactive approach to disaster management and the amazing model of NEOC.