Ms. Leslie Scanlon, High Commissioner of Canada to Pakistan Called on Chairman NDMA, Lt Gen Inam Haider Malik in his office today. 

Both discussed various aspects of possible mutual cooperation and areas where Pakistan needs immediate assistance for a proactive approach to mitigate and manage future disasters. 

Chairman NDMA apprised the High Commissioner of lessons learnt from devastating Floods 2022 and informed about coordination with Pakistan Foreign Missions for humanitarian assistance on need basis. He also highlighted remodelling of National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) as Digital Hub to connect all disaster management stakeholders for generating a common operating picture for Pakistan, this will also incorporate humanitarian agencies and international partners. Pakistan requires cooperation of international community for developing an avant-grade early warning system, which can predict changing weather patterns well before disaster strikes. 

Chairman NDMA also laid stress on local requirement based assessment during pre-disaster phase, strengthening of District Disaster Management Authorities (DDMAs) and preparing the vulnerable communities about the adverse impacts of looming disasters through public awareness campaigns.

Chairman also highlighted upgraded National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) as Think Tank to connect Pakistani universities with world academia and learn from global good practices and replicate same as per Pakistan’s requirements.

The Canadian High Commissioner appreciated the envisioned NEOC and endorsed the need for developing such a high-tech crisis response centre in Pakistan, which has been continuously hit by intense/erratic changing climatic behavior.  She briefed that Government of Canada has committed to assist flood affectees of Pakistan through funded-projects which would focused on recovery, reconstruction and resilience. She has assured to discuss the further assistance requirements for futuristic NEOC and restocking of disaster management reserves in upcoming official meeting back in Canada.