On dirs of PM, Chairman NDMA, LTG Inam Haider Malik held a virtual meeting w/ prominent members of diaspora in
, org by USAID. He discussed National Disaster Preparedness & Response Regime in light of lessons learnt from Floods 2022.
Cn NDMA highlighted that NEOC will serve as a central digital hub for creating a common operating picture for disasters & generating early warning sys for proactive DM in & revamped NIDM as a think tank will create a linkage b/w academic, industry & emergency responders.
Chairman stated that a collaborative efforts can lead to effective disaster management & diaspora can play an active role in this regard, directly or indirectly through USAID.
Participants praised NDMA for informative & enlightening session and expressed their affirmation to continue working with NDMA to make Pakistan a safe & prosperous country