Dr. Inoussa Kabore, Deputy Representative of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Pakistan called on Chairman NDMA, Lieutenant General Inam Haider Malik today. 

The UNICEF delegation sought views on aspects of key action areas of mutual cooperation and engagement during emergency response and disaster mitigation in Pakistan.

Dr. Inoussa Kabore, UNICEF Deputy Representative apprised the Chairman of organization’s ongoing relief work in field of health, education, food, behavioral communication and psychological needs of children in flood-hit areas. He discussed the possibility of exploring other areas such as information management, digital geographical mapping, rapid need assessment, community education and learning trajectories in perspective of climate change and its implication on vulnerable communities in Pakistan. 

Chairman NDMA lauded the relief efforts by UNICEF during recent floods and underscored the need of technology driven disaster management, preparedness plans with integrated response structure. He also informed about NDMA’s priority to chalk-out yearly ‘disaster/ risk calender’ and mapping of highly risk areas toward climate disasters for better execution of disaster management plans. 

The meeting ended with reaffirmation to extend the engagement on the level of technical teams for working out the modalities regarding the principally agreed priority areas.