NDMA’s think tank National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) conducted a three-day training and simulation exercise (SimEx) for summer contingencies in Gahkuch, District Ghizer. The event was held from May 10 to May 12, 2023, and was attended by over 55 participants from various fields, including academia, district authorities, rescue services, and related departments.

The main focus of the SimEx was to prepare district-level stakeholders for potential disasters that may occur during the summer season. Air Commodore (Rtd) Tanveer Paracha, Chief Coordinator of NIDM, emphasized the importance of disaster preparedness and training exercises like the SimEx, as they can significantly improve the response to an emergency situation. 

Multiple scenarios for potential summer contingencies were simulated during the SimEx, including flash floods, landslides, and GLOFs. Syndicates were formed to represent specific roles like the GBDMA, DDMA, media, humanitarian support, and the local community. 

The first day of the event covered basic disaster management (DM) concepts, climate science, hazard mapping, quantification, and group-based activities on hazard analysis. This day was essential for participants to familiarize themselves with the basics of disaster management and understand the potential hazards they might face in the region. 

Second day of the SimEx was devoted to vulnerability assessment at the district level, coordinating and managing camps, and issuing master scenarios that indicated above-average monsoon forecasts. These scenarios highlighted the possibility of rain-induced landslides, flash flooding, and possible GLOF events in various parts of the district. Participants were issued an opening situation that required strong collaboration among stakeholders for better preparedness against potential hazards. 

On third day of the event, three scenarios were issued, highlighting events of flash floods causing significant havoc to populations, settlements, and infrastructure, as well as a scenario of GLOF and landslide. Each syndicate presented its response, followed by a question and answer session. 

The exercise concluded with thanks from the CC NIDM and the distribution of certificates given by the Deputy Commissioner District Ghizer, Capt (Retd) Tayyab Sami Khan. DC Ghizer appreciated NIMA's efforts to develop the district stakeholder's capabilities.

SimEx provided a platform to enhance the capacity of district-level stakeholders in disaster management and promote collaborative efforts towards ensuring preparedness and response during likely disasters. Participants gained valuable knowledge and skills to enhance their response during emergencies.