NDMA’s think tank, National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) conducted a one-day workshop on Coastal Hazards, Local Needs & Gap Analysis and Framework for Remodeled National Disaster Preparedness and Response” at Quetta, in collaboration with PDMA Balochistan, Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences (BUITEMS) and UNICEF Pakistan. The workshop was aimed to bring together key stakeholders and experts to address the challenges posed by coastal hazards along coastal belt of Pakistan, promote federal and provincial interdepartmental collaboration, knowledge exchange, and the explore effective strategies to minimize the impacts of coastal hazards and protect coastal communities, ecosystems, and infrastructure through collective wisdom. Over 200 participants from various fields, including Government departments, Academia, UN agencies, INGOs, NGOs and Media attended the workshop. 

Pro Vice-Chancellor of BUITEMS, Dr Abdul Rehman, in his welcome remarks appreciated NDMA’s proactive approach for disaster mitigation, while quoting the recent example for dealing with cyclone Biparjoy, in terms of issuing timely early warnings, coordination among relevant stakeholders, and continuous monitoring of Cyclone. 

The Chief Coordinator NIDM, Mr. Tanveer Piracha, highlighted significance of addressing coastal hazards, such as cyclones, storm surges, sea-level rise, and coastal erosion that are major contributing factors endangering coastal communities, infrastructure and ecosystems. 

The workshop was constituted of several thematic plenary interactive sessions moderated by experts, generating discussions on issues specifically related to coastal emergencies.  Participants appreciated efforts of NDMA for providing a platform to promote collaborative efforts towards ensuring preparedness and response during likely disasters. NDMA is committed to enlighten and upskill communities for making Pakistan a Resilient Country.