In wake of recent torrential rains & heavy snowfall, Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif and Chairman NDMA Lieutenant General Inam Haider Malik visited Gwadar and Peshawar on 5 March and 6 March respectively to show solidarity with affectees and oversee the relief in affected areas. During the flight, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif received a detailed and comprehensive brief from Chairman NDMA on losses and damages and ongoing rescue and relief efforts including arrangement of 7,000 dry rations packs (95 kg each) in coordination with KSrelief for Gwadar which will be distribute on 7 / 8 March 2024. PM during his visit to Gwadar also announced ex gratia assistance to the affectees, of 2 million to each decease, 0.5 million for injured, while 0.7 million for fully and 0.35 million for partially damaged house all over the country.

In Gwadar, the Prime Minister interacted with the affectees and handed over house damages compensation cheques. The Pime Minister was briefed on relief and rescue efforts of Pak Navy and Government of Balochistan and medical camps established by Pak Army, NGOs and philanthropists to provide healthcare to the victims. Prime Minister appreciated the efforts of NDMA, PDMA Balochistan, Pakistan Army, Navy, Coast Guard, and humanitarian organizations including Al-Khidmat for their immediate assistance in delivering relief goods, managing inundation on going relief efforts.

It is pertinent to mention that along with issuing timely advisories, NDMA had already coordinated with local / international humanitarian partners for provision and stockpiling of essential supplies in anticipation of potential emergencies that may arise due to forecasted weather patterns. This proactive approach ensured NDMA’s preparedness to respond swiftly and effectively to any future emergency needs.

In Peshawar, the Prime Minister handed over 37 cheques of Rs 2 million each to the NoKs of deceased in rain / snow related incidents, while 13 cheques amounting to Rs 500,000 each to the injured while 10 x cheques were given to individuals who had lost their homes. The Prime Minister also announced house damage compensation after joint survey to be completed immediately. 

He also announced the awarding of commendation certificates to the employees of organizations who performed exceptionally well in the recent relief operations and to those involved in relief and rehabilitation work.

The Prime Minister also chaired a meeting in Governor House KPK on ongoing relief efforts with PDMAs and related departments and directed the establishment of a system using modern technology and satellites to predict natural disasters in advance. He called for a prompt report on the restoration of affected communication infrastructure and a detailed assessment of the damages. He instructed to chalk out a comprehensive plan for the assistance and rehabilitation of the victims of the recent torrential rains.