The United Nations Humanitarian & Resident Coordinator, Mr. Julien Harneis made his welcome call-on Chairman NDMA, Lt. General Inam Haider Malik in his office at PM Office this morning. Head of the United Nations' Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA), Mr Felix also accompanied the visitor.

During the meeting, the aspects related to ongoing humanitarian assistance to the climate change induced floods in affected areas of Pakistan were discussed at length. The magnified scope of shared efforts contributed through generous participation of global partners and donor agencies was appreciated by Chairman NDMA. 

The potential of work in areas of pre-disaster preparedness was discussed for mutual undertakings and Chairman NDMA stressed this aspect to be lead subject of global focus. He reiterated the need to explicitly advance pre disaster preparedness at all upcoming UN and global initiatives, dialogue forums and meetings of think tanks. 

Mr. Julien Harneis acknowledged the great and successful initiation of timely humanitarian relief by Government of Pakistan, various agencies and volunteers on ground. He raised certain improvement areas especially in the domain of resettlement plans, being finalized by federal and provincial levels. It was mutually agreed that the first response tier remain  District level Disaster Management Response Regime. 

Chairman NDMA also indicated areas of greater participation through virtually linked early warning systems for maximized climate induced threat spectrum.