NDMA - Plans

Electronic Multi Hazard Vulnerability & Risk Assessment (e-MHVRA) Guidelines based on Emerging Hazards in the Context of Pakistan

Electronic Multi Hazard Vulnerability & Risk Assessment (e-MHVRA) Guidelines based on Emerging Hazards in the Context of Pakistan

This guideline contains detailed step-by-step assessment methodologies and stringent standards for data structure and sources to be adhered to by all implementation partners. The primary objective of these guidelines is to establish standardized benchmarks and procedures that ensure uniformity in executing e-MHVRA exercises across the country. The revised e-MHVRA guidelines  focus on emerging hazards specific in the context of extreme climate events in Pakistan. 

Category: Policies
Guideline for Mainstreaming Hazard and Disaster Risk Information in Spatial Planning Processes in Pakistan

Guideline for Mainstreaming Hazard and Disaster Risk Information in Spatial Planning Processes in Pakistan

These Guidelines are developed to provide a framework for mainstreaming hazard and disaster risk information into spatial planning and development processes in Pakistan. It offers policy recommendations to establish a multi-stakeholder process based on existing spatial planning practices and Multi Hazard Vulnerability and Risk Assessments. The guideline aims to help planners and policy makers to take steps toward a risk sensitive spatial planning practice in Pakistan. By embedding disaster risk considerations into the core of spatial planning, we can increase resilience, reduce vulnerabilities, safeguard lives and livelihoods, and promote resilient development pathways.

Category: Policies
National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP) - III - 2024

National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP) - III - 2024

This NDMP-III is a Dynamic / Living Document and can be edited based on the suggestions of Line Departments. For Observations, Suggestions, & Questions, please contact us via email at: g.asoc@ndma.gov.pk or amdp@ndma.gov.pk

Category: National Disaster Management Plan
Detailed Roles & Responsibility Matrix for Implementation of NDMP- III

Detailed Roles & Responsibility Matrix for Implementation of NDMP- III

This Detailed Roles & Responsibility Matrix for Implementation of NDMP- III is a Dynamic / Living Document and can be edited based on the suggestions of Line Departments. For Observations, Suggestions, & Questions, please contact us via email at: g.asoc@ndma.gov.pk or amdp@ndma.gov.pk

Category: National Disaster Management Plan


The "National Monsoon Contingency Plan 2024" is a comprehensive strategy developed by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) in collaboration with various disaster management stakeholders at federal and provincial levels. The plan is informed by the NDMA Tech Team and the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), incorporating climate change projections. It provides guidelines for all tiers of disaster management to proactively prepare, mitigate risks, and effectively respond to potential hazards during the 2024 monsoon season. The NDMA has actively engaged relevant stakeholders to update and coordinate ongoing preparation and mitigation efforts.