Mr. Anil Pokhrel, Chief Executive National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA), Nepal along with high officials of Nepali disaster management departments as well as representatives of International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) visited National Emergencies Operations Center (NEOC ) at NDMA HQs today.

Chairman NDMA Lt General Inam Haider Malik and NDMA team gave a comprehensive brief about the capabilities of NEOC. The exposition highlighted an effective utilisation of tech-driven disasters projection and predictive analysis, anticipatory actions and risk communication in the DRR cycle of Pakistan. The delegation commended the establishment of NEOC and proactive preparedness for natural disaster and impacts of climate change. They emphasized on strengthening regional strategies for disaster resilience to tackle challenges and improve disaster response capabilities across the region. 

The visiting dignitaries included Mr. Bikram Shrestha Zoowa, Hydrologist, Nepal, Mr. Sonam Tshewang, Executive Engineer Disaster Prevention & Mitigation Division, Bhutan, Dr. Arun Bhakta Shrestha and Dr. Neera Shrestha Pradhan from ICIMOD, Dr Bhisma Kumar Bhusal, Jt Secy Disaster Management Division, Nepal, Brig Gen Prakash Thapa, Dept of Disaster Management, Nepali Army, Tshering Norbu, Assistant Program Officer, Department of Local Governance and Disaster Management, Bhutan.