The two-days National Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Action was organized by NDMA with support of German Red Cross, PRCS, FAO, WHH, and UN OCHA.The discussions focused on fostering a common understanding and formulating practical recommendations to enhance the efficient implementation of anticipatory actions specifically in Pakistan. The dialogue was attended by disaster management stakeholders, including PDMAs, UN Agencies, NGOs/INGOs, academia and private sector.

During the two days sessions, experts were engaged in panel/group discussions that delved into various aspects, including disaster risk management structure, opportunities for anticipatory action in Pakistan, planning and financing, knowledge generation and the cultivation of partnerships for anticipatory actions.

Chairman NDMA Lt. Gen Inam Haider Malik highlighted the importance of anticipatory actions that have emerged as innovative way forward to act ahead of predicted disasters’ to mitigate humanitarian, infrastructural and economic loses. He underlined that the challenges posed by the climate crisis are rapidly depleting global financial resources making it difficult to further manage disasters.

The Chairman NDMA while extending appreciation to the collaborative partners stated that the launch of this initiative is viewed as an initial step, and the expectation is that it will evolve into a more proactive and action-oriented strategy. The intention is to translate these strategies into local action plans at every household level including vulnerable communities and beyond gender boundaries.

To conduct of the successful national dialogue, Chairman NDMA formally presented commemorative shields to the organizers.