
Chairman NDMA, Lieutenant General Inam Haider Malik met H.E Donald Blome, U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan ...

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In wake of winter-related emergencies, NDMA organized the first Winter’s Contingency Plans and Preparedness Coordination ...

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Mr. Ito Teruyuki, Director General of South Asia Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) paid ...

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Dr. Inoussa Kabore, Deputy Representative of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Pakistan called ...

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Mr. Chris Kaye, WFP’s Country Director in Pakistan called on Chairman NDMA, Lieutenant General Inam ...

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US Delegation led by Lieutenant General Patrick D. Frank, Commanding General of US Army Central ...

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Chairman NDMA Meeting with Rector in his office at NUST Campus H-12

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Miss Nusrat Nasab, CEO Aga Khan Agency of Habitat (AKAH) Pakistan called on Chairman NDMA ...

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Mr. Reed Aeschliman, USAID Mission Director called on Chairman NDMA, Lieutenant General Inam Haider Malik ...

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