NDMA - Publications

Karimabad Valley, District Chitral Post Visit Report

Karimabad Valley, District Chitral Post Visit Report

Kareemabad Valley is located in the North West of Chitral district. The Valley is situatedon an old glacier “Morain”, well-developed by a number of past debris flow events. The Valleyhas thick vegetation, trees and lush green fields, and is home to about 95 households.

Category: Analysis / Studies & Survey Reports
Post Disaster Report - Monsoon 2016

Post Disaster Report - Monsoon 2016

Monsoon Season 2016 unfolded with five rain spells at regular intervalsstarting from 28 June to 16 September 2016. As per Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD),Monsoon 2016 remained 25% Above Normal against predicted rainfall of 10 - 20% Above Normal.

Category: Analysis / Studies & Survey Reports
Pakistan Flood 2010 Learning from Experience

Pakistan Flood 2010 Learning from Experience

The Lesson Learned report provides a strategic level overview of lesson learned from rescue and relief activities in the immediates aftermonth of 2010 floods.

Category: Analysis / Studies & Survey Reports
PEER Country Report (Pakistan) from Dec-2007 to Mar-2009

PEER Country Report (Pakistan) from Dec-2007 to Mar-2009

National Disaster Management Authority has introduced Program for enhancement of EmergencyResponse (PEER) in Pakistan with an aim to reduce mortality in mass casualty events and toincrease the survival rate of disaster victims.

Category: Analysis / Studies & Survey Reports
Study Visit held for PDMA-Balochistan at Quetta

Study Visit held for PDMA-Balochistan at Quetta

Category: Analysis / Studies & Survey Reports