NDMA - Publications

Development Profile District Gwadar

Development Profile District Gwadar

We are highly indebtedto a number of individuals and institutions thatextended invaluable support andcooperation without which successfulcompletion of this assignmentwould not have been possible.

Category: District Profile
Development Profile District Jhal Magsi

Development Profile District Jhal Magsi

Jhall Magsi was granted the district status on 16 February, 1992.The name originates from Magsi tribe, which is the mostprominent tribe in the district. Jhall Magsi is also the name of an important town in the district. The districts' headquartersare at Gandawah town.

Category: District Profile
Development Profile District Khuzdar

Development Profile District Khuzdar

Category: District Profile
Development Profile District Loralai

Development Profile District Loralai

Category: District Profile