NDMA - Plans

NDMA - Summer Hazards Contingency Plan 2024

NDMA - Summer Hazards Contingency Plan 2024

NDMA Summer Hazards Contingency Plan 2024 has been prepared in coordination with all disaster management stakeholders, both at federal and provincial levels based on analysis of seasonal outlook by the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) and relevant technical input from NDMA Tech Team. In this Plan, guidelines have been outlined for all disaster management tiers and relevant stakeholders for adopting a proactive approach towards all aspects of mitigation, preparations against the most probable and against possible worst-case scenarios to coordinate a timely response.

Category: Plans
National Disaster Response Plan

National Disaster Response Plan

In light of our commitment to safeguarding lives and communities, we are publishing the National Disaster Response Plan for 2024. This meticulously crafted framework represents a collective effort to enhance our nation's preparedness and resilience in the face of emergencies. From natural calamities to unforeseen crises, this plan outlines comprehensive protocols and procedures to effectively coordinate response efforts across all levels of government and stakeholders. With a focus on swift action, collaboration, and community engagement, the plan aims to mitigate risks, minimize losses, and expedite recovery processes. Together, let us embrace this vital tool in our mission to protect and support our citizens during times of adversity.

Category: Plans
NDMA Plan for Disaster Contingencies Winter - 2023/2024

NDMA Plan for Disaster Contingencies Winter - 2023/2024

Pakistan experiences a distinct winter season from November to February everyyear, marked by the onset of snowfall, predominantly in its northern regions. 



The Extreme Monsoon of 2022 unleashed unprecedented floods across Pakistan in an unconventional and relentless manner. The floods posed diverse challenges across the country, including extreme non-riverine rainfall flooding / inundation in Sindh, devastating hill torrents in Southern Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a combination of flash floods, hill torrents, and landslides in Balochistan.

NDMA Stocking Policy 2023

NDMA Stocking Policy 2023

Subject instructions have been formulated on the basis of experiences & lessonslearnt through various disasters, particularly Floods 2022. As per subject instructions,stock reserves for rescue, relief and support items have been defined for PDMAs, SDMA& GBDMA.

Category: Policies