EQ Tremors-21 March 23 In view of EQ of 6.8 mg, (yesterday in Pak), a Special Session of NEOC was held today at NDMA incorporating all relevant stake holders. The session was chaired by Chairman NDMA, Lt Gen Inam Haider Malik.

Relevant depts updated the house regarding details of life losses & infrastructure damages. The depts informed that so far situation is under control. Chairman NDMA urged the depts to check the veracity of any further losses/damages or aftershocks and immed report to NDMA.

They were further assured of Federal support, as & when required. Immed after the EQ, #NDMApk complied the initial situation report (sitrep), which was issued to all depts incl media. The updated & detailed sitrep has been uploaded on NDMA website.

A special link on NDMA website has been added regarding EQ in Pak for information of Public & Donor Agencies. Public Svc Msg (PSM clip) in this regard has been uploaded on NDMA Twitter handle as well.