NDMA Pakistan chaired the session of the steering group of Asia-Pacific Region of INSARAG at Geneva Switzerland, being President of Asia Pacific INSARAG region for the year 2024. NDMA delegation participated at the 10th Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW). 

The event from 6 to 10 May 2024, is hosted annually by UN OCHA (Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. HNPW 2024 will focus on global partnerships to organize joint sessions to foster collaboration, exchange experiences, and creating crisis preparedness and synergetic response at regional and global scale.

Opening steering meetings were commissioned by Chairman NDMA Pak, Lt Gen Inam Haider Malik, and the leading Pak delegation. He outlaid the foundation of a proactive approach in disaster management along with innovative and all-inclusive trajectories of search and rescue.

Hyper frequented global disasters impacting all countries alike is a critical subject of global debate and Pak NDMA has advanced realistic mid-course corrections recommendations for all DRR platforms including UN SFDRR and COP meets. Lt Gen Inam also introduced Pakistan’s initiative of broad-spectrum search & rescue, embedding national volunteers, the private sector, and industry related to disaster management.

Pakistan’s foresight into seeking interoperability through compatibility was expressed in comprehensive detail at the session, duly endorsed and applauded by global partners. The event has been exceedingly useful in elevating Pakistan’s stature at international forums and NDMA Pak is well acknowledged as a forward forward-looking organization, capitalizing on global technologies and using collateral best practices for global good.