NDMA - Plans

National Adaptation Plan Pakistan- 2023

National Adaptation Plan Pakistan- 2023

Climate change is redening every human experience on the planet. Despite being afractional emitter of greenhouse gases, Pakistan is in the frontline of globalimpacts, with skyrocketing temperatures pushing the country and its people into adangerous zone of climate fragility.

Category: Plans


In 2022, Pakistan witnessed an unprecedented departure from its traditional Monsoonpatterns, resulting in a series of devastating floods across the country. Unconventional weatherphenomena brought forth a unique set of challenges including non-riverine rainfall flooding andinundation in Sindh and Balochistan.

Category: Plans
National Summer Emergencies Plan - 2023

National Summer Emergencies Plan - 2023

Summer Season in Pakistan is experienced from March to May eachyear, which is categorised by high temperatures and less rainfall. Likely hazards associatedwith summers include heatwaves which can induce forest fires, urban fires and heatstroke;high temperatures resulting in glacial melt which may result in GLOFs and flash flooding; anddroughts caused by less precipitation.

Category: Plans
National Disaster Mitigation Plan - Pakistan Remodeled NDMP-II 2023

National Disaster Mitigation Plan - Pakistan Remodeled NDMP-II 2023

Pakistan is prone to various natural and humaninduced hazards due to its diverse geographicalcharacteristics and climatic variations. On top ofthat, the country's vulnerability is exacerbatedby factors such as population growth,unplanned urbanization, exposure to vulnerableelements in hazard-prone areas, lack ofinstitutional capacities, and climate change. 

Category: Plans
National Contingency Plan Winter 2022-23

National Contingency Plan Winter 2022-23

Pakistan experiences Winter Season from November to February every year withsnowfall mostly over Northern Regions. Likely hazards associated with winter include avalanches,landslides, cold waves, blizzards and fog in different parts of the country. With climate changedriven extreme weather patterns experienced during the year 2022.

Category: Plans