International Workshop on Education
The International Workshop was orgnized by the NUST Institute of Civil Engineering (NICE), School of Civil and Enviremental Engineering (SCEE), National University and Technology (NUST)
Category: Others

Environmental and Social Management Framework(ESMF)-DRM Services Project
Climate change is expected to have an adverse impact on Pakistan, as it ranks 7th on the climate risk index. It continues to be one of the most flood-prone countries in the South Asia Region (SAR)..
Category: Others

National Action Plane for the Implementation of Bangkok Principles on Health Aspects of the SFDR
Naonal Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and Naonal Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Network (NHEPRN), Pakistan
Category: Others

Building code of Pakistan with seismic provision
The devastating earthquake of October 08, 2005 made it abundantly clear that earthquake provisions of the Pakistan Building Code 1986 need to comprehensively bolstered so that public health and safety for all communities are ensured.
Category: Others

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